Once an Islamic saint ,Sheikh Saadi , complained to Allah
(God) that his shoes were worn out and torn . He saw a man who had no feet .
Sheikh Saadi sought Allah’s forgiveness.
I always seek Allah’s Mercy and pray to save me
from hellfire and infirm old age when one loses one grip on mind
and body .I have seen both parents go blind after an unsuccessful eye surgery .
I am about 70 and ill . One of my friends used to tease me on my illness
till he too became diabetic . I would tell him to guard his health by praying
to Allah for His Divine Mercy .
In the space of two months , I have experienced two
deaths that of the late Dr. Ghazi Haqqi( multi organ failure ) and the late
Bhai Mumtaz (old age and various medical complications) , both were
cousins ( the former from my father’s side while the latter’s mother’s side) as
well as the infirmity of Dr. Ikram Mohyuddin , my dear friend and the old age
of Professor Muhammad Jamil . another friend and class fellow of Masters in
English Literature who is 85 plus .
Mumtaz Bhai died the other day . He was also 85
plus . He and Professor Jamil were class fellows in the Indian city of
Ambala from where both migrated to Pakistan in 1947 . At that age , both were
infirm and complained of sickness . The latter told me that he had a difficulty
hearing when I telephoned him to convey the sad news of the death of
Mumtaz Bhai .
Last evening , when the mourners were carrying Mumtaz
Bhai’s body to the nearby Mosque for funeral prayers and burial . I accompanied
them thinking it was at the short distance because I have venous ulcers on my
feet hence a difficulty in walking .( I walked five or six miles a day
till I fell ill ). I met a distance relative , Mr. Ahmed Ali Qureshi ,who was a
heart patient . I began walking with him and his grown up son . He told
me that his doctors told him that there was nothing they could do further for
him . I was hoping to hitch a ride in any mourner’s car . After walked some
distance, he sat down on the roadside and asked his son to bring
the car . Fortunately a car stopped for me too . Among the mourners , there
were a few who had same difficulty walking . I realized later that
I was able to walk the way back from the Mosque . Of course , I had
taken a pain killer before coming .This morning my wife told
that Mr.Qureshi’s loving wife had assorted
illnesses , had been diagnosed as cancer and heart trouble .
Muslims have been taught through the reading of the
Noble Quran that they would be put to tests , deaths , sickness ,loss of limbs
, monetary loss and they have to face these tests , never to complain and never
to lose Faith in the Infinite Mercy of Allah . Muslims have before them the
example of the Prophets particularly the Noble Prophet , Muhammad (Peace and
Blessings of Allah be upon him ) and his companions and how
they faced the tests one after another with fortitude and determination . The
Noble Quran describes the Prophets and other holy persons who were slain in
pursuit of their mission to spread Allah’s Commands
Mahfooz ur Rahman
Novermber 06 , 2013
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